Setting-up Guest Houses

Do you have a fast growing business that demands frequent staff movement across multiple locations? Then instead of getting them accommodation in expensive hotels, you may consider having your own guest houses. Guest houses are indeed a strategic decision for businesses who can economically provide healthy accommodation, food and comfort for their employees.

However, setting up a guest house and running efficiently is not simply everyone’s strength. Taking assistance from professional guesthouse management professionals in hiring the apt housekeeping staff, training them with standard operating procedures, setting up procurement and maintenance protocols will save lot of time, energy and resources.

With over 26 Years of experience in Corporate guest house management in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, Panacea Services can assist you in setting up guest houses, helping you operate and maintain in a systematic manner.

How we can help?

Setting-up of Guest Houses

From conceptualization to functioning, Panacea Services with its expertise in 26 years of corporate guest house management can assist your organization. Use our insights on identifying location, guest house design, designing external and internal amenities so that you can save time, energy and resources, yet providing the right ambience to guests. Cost-effectiveness need to be kept in mind in establishing guest houses as it may beat the very own purpose.

guest house maintenance
guest house maintenance

Standard Operating Procedures

Running corporate guest houses are systematic when there are clear set of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for multiple parties and stakeholders involved. From procurement to cooking, housekeeping, hosting guests and reporting we can assist you in drafting standard operating procedures so that there are no ambiguities involved in efficiently running corporate guest houses. Workflows and approvals need to be done timely so that nothing gets disrupted.

Hiring Housekeeping Staff

The important element – People when done right, will make everything easier. Housekeeping staff with the right mind set, skills and service attitude need to be identified, hired, on-boarded and trained. Their background checks needed to be run for assuring safety of guests. They represent the gesture of the whole organization to its guests. Panacea Services have tremendous experience in hiring housekeeping, caretakers, chefs and cooks for MNCs of multiple industries.

guest house maintenance
Guest House Management

Guest House Management

When the Guest House is ready, you need to run it efficiently and optimally. Panacea Services specializes in Corporate Guest House Management in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad for MNCs and Large Corporates. We can handle your end to end guest house management with proven methods, staffing, SOPs, audits meeting required compliances. From a costing perspective, outsourcing your corporate guest house management would prove to be profitable.